AllentownSchool District

Draft Research Paper and Report

Draft Research Paper

The research paper will also have specific requirements. The paper will be no shorter than 1 page and have no less than 250 words, which will not include the heading. In addition, the standard top and side margins of 1 inch that Microsoft Word provides will also be required. The font required will be 12 point Times New Roman. The research paper needs to include all information that helped to develop your hypothesis. The research paper may include a personal narrative of how you worked through the process of developing your hypothesis.

Regarding Plagiarism: A Works Cited page must be provided with your research paper. Any words or thoughts taken from another author must be properly cited. To do this for your research draft paper, you must list at least the following items on your Works Cited page (if you know how to properly cite information, you may do so in place of the below):

1. Author

2. Title of article/webpage

3. Title of book, article, newspaper, website, or other work where your information was found

4. Page number where your information was found

5. Date (as specific as possible) the work was published

6. URL, if website

Research Report

The written research report is a compilation of everything that you did to investigate your selected topic. It contains all the information you collected or learned during the weeks leading up to the actual experiment and science fair. It should be written from notes, personal interviews, and sources from the library and electronic media. Be sure to write this information in your own words and not that of the author.

The research report will also have specific requirements. The paper will be no shorter than 1 page and have no less than 400 words, which will not include the heading. In addition, the standard top and side margins of 1 inch that Microsoft Word provides will also be required. The font required will be 12 point Times New Roman. The research paper needs to include all information that helped to develop your hypothesis. The research paper may include a personal narrative of how you worked through the process of developing your hypothesis.

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