AllentownSchool District

ASD ESSERS Allocation Planning & Implementation

ASD ESSERS Allocation Planning & Implementation
Posted on 08/26/2021

The Allentown School District is poised to receive more than $100 million in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSERS) funding. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has required all school districts to develop plans based on three guiding principles, the short- and long-term needs of the district, consultation from stakeholder groups, and evidence-based interventions.

As a result, the District invited our staff, students, families, and our community partners to provide valuable feedback via the ESSERs Feedback Survey launched on May 17.  The information garnered from the survey results, and the initial review of student learning loss data has resulted in a focus on the following district level high-priority areas for ESSERS spending:

  • Additional supports for Special Education Students
  • Additional supports for English Language Learners
  • Additional supports for literacy instruction

This stakeholder feedback, coupled with the District’s reinvestment in the arts, and an intentional emphasis on athletics, are grouped into seven allowable categories under ESSER listed below:


Safe in Person Learning and Continuity of Services

Facilities & Grounds

Social-Emotional Learning, Trauma-Sensitive Schools Health & Wellness

Staff Recruitment, Support, and Retention

Academic Recovery and Acceleration

Systemic Equity

Family and Community Partnerships

During the August 26 board meeting, our administrative team presented a comprehensive, multi-year ESSERS allocation and implementation timeline.  This document will provide a detailed plan of how we intend to spend the ESSER allocation annually.

Also included in the presentation this evening, is a recommendation for the continuous monitoring and reporting to our stakeholders on the District’s progress.  All of these efforts will be utilized to promote the upmost transparency as we demonstrate financial stewardship with this additional funding. 

In closing, we would like to provide our staff, students, families and community partners an additional opportunity to provide feedback during the next 30 days. Information submitted during this open comment period will be used to inform any revision or modification of the existing ESSERS plan.

To participate in public comment, please review the board presentation or the full plan, which is publicly posted on our website:

Once you review the plan, please participate in our public comment period here:

Thank you in advance for your participation. 

Presentation: ESSER Plan and Implementation Document 2021-2024