The Allentown School District is excited to share an important update for our high school families as we help guide students toward college and career readiness.
The Program of Studies provides families with a blueprint for the “learning path” of each student. Using the program of studies allows students and families to be in control of their educational journey and provides a menu of possibilities for post-secondary success . The Program of Students also outlines clear expectations and requirements for graduation, which have been updated in accordance with new state laws.
Related to graduation, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has updated the statewide requirements for graduation. This directly impacts the class of 2023 and beyond. Students who are currently in 11th grade will have the flexibility to meet statewide high school graduation requirements through one of five pathways that detail college, career, and community readiness.
At this time, the Keystone Exam graduation requirement is still in place for students in the Class of 2022 (current seniors). Current juniors and below must pass the Keystone Exams or complete another pathway to graduation to fulfill the graduation requirement. There will now be five different pathways students can follow to in order to graduate:
- Pathway #1: Keystone Exam Proficiency
- Pathway #2: Keystone Exam Composite Score
- Pathway #3: Local Grade Requirements + Courses, Programs, College Acceptance
- Pathway #4: Local Grade Requirements + Additional Career and Technical Education Evidence of Readiness
- Pathway #5: Local Grade Requirements + Two Tiers of Additional Evidence of Readiness
Detailed information on each pathway can be found here.
It is important that families are aware of these changes as we begin the course selection process at the building level. Additional changes in this year’s Program of Studies include the addition of Service-Learning Projects. Service Learning helps students build character by allowing them to foster and develop personal values, beliefs, awareness, self-esteem, confidence, and a sense of empathy and social responsibility. ASD will make Service Learning projects optional for the Class of 2023 and required for the Class of 2024 and beyond. The district also plans to expand Dual Enrollment offerings through Lehigh Carbon Community College.
“It is our hope that our staff uses the Program of Studies to motivate students, engage families and excite students about the different opportunities that await them in high school during the course selection window,” said Superintendent, Dr. John Stanford.
Lastly, in an effort to increase college & career readiness, ASD will host a FREE in-school SAT Testing Day for all current 11th grade students. Students do not need to register in advance to take advantage of this opportunity.
With the learning loss students have experienced nationwide since the pandemic, families and the schools must work together to determine how to best accelerate learning opportunities for each individual student. To help with this, ASD will once again make Summer Learning opportunities available to all students. More information will be available on summer learning starting in the spring.
Students can expect to schedule a meeting with their school counselor beginning March 1 to review their options and select courses for next year.