ALLENTOWN, PA — At the November 17 regular board meeting, ASD approved a number of new teachers and staff to join the team, including several new administrators. Please help us welcome the following new administrators to the Allentown School District:
- Sarah Teeple comes to ASD from the Pennridge School District and will take over as the Principal of Lehigh Parkway Elementary School.
- Tara Walter will join the administrative team at Hays Elementary School as an Assistant Principal
- Patti Bower has been named a Supervisor of Special Education in the Administration Center
We would also like to congratulate the following ASD employees and wish them the best in their new roles supporting students, staff, and families:
- Brett Keeble, Allen HS Physical Education / Health teacher will become Acting Assistant Principal
- Also at Allen High School, Norm Lohman will move into the role of Dean of Students from Computer Science teacher
- Melissa Roehrich will move from teaching ELA at Allen HS to the Supervisor of Instruction role at Raub Middle School.
- Leida Rosario will move from Ramos Elementary School to the Administration Center as an ESOL Facilitator
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