Allentown School District Brings Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program to Three Elementary Schools
Posted on 08/16/2018
The Allentown School District is excited to participate in the USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program for the 2018-2019 school year.
The following schools have qualified for the program:
• McKinley Elementary
• Muhlenberg Elementary
• Roosevelt Elementary
The funding for this program is awarded to the district through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). The program’s goals are to create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices, expand the variety of fruits and vegetables students experience, increase fruit and vegetable consumption, and positively impact students’ present and future health. By providing the fresh fruits and vegetables this helps keep students healthy, while also providing an opportunity to teach them about health, and how to make smart and nutritious food choices.
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About the Allentown School District
The Allentown School District serves nearly 17,000 students in a network of 25 early childhood, elementary, middle and high schools throughout the city of Allentown, PA. The Allentown School District is the third largest urban school district out of 500 districts in the Commonwealth. The District’s Mission states that each and every student will graduate college and career ready by having their individual needs met through active engagement in a rigorous, safe and nurturing learning environment. Our core values reflect a commitment to excellence, partnership and equity. The Allentown School District employs approximately 2,400 teachers, staff and administrators. Founded in 1866, ASD serves students from 51 countries speaking 26 languages with nearly 90 percent household qualifying as low income.