The Allentown School District continues to support student voice and advocacy that aims to raise awareness for current issues that impact the everyday lives of our students.
On April 20, 2018, students nationwide, will participate in peaceful demonstrations against school violence and in remembrance of the 13 lives lost at Columbine High School in 1999. The District fully supports student commitment to creating an environment in which students can feel safe, valued and nurtured.
Student leaders at middle and high schools have again worked together to design student developed and guided activities that raise awareness of and honors those who have lost their lives due to gun violence in the schools.
Allen High School will host another student safety discussion during Period 8 as a continuation of their two previous events (3/14 and 3/29). Student leaders have frequently with Allen Administration to plan these events. All events have been facilitated by the students. In Friday’s assembly, the students will review the concerns shared at the previous events, identify the priorities specific to William Allen, and develop action plans for continued involvement. Members of Allen's Student Government Association have also been in contact with other local high schools’ student governments to coordinate actions.
Building 21 administration met with a group of students last week and they shared that there was no plan for a walkout.
Dieruff has received no information from their students and student leaders regarding any planned student protest walkout on April 20. In the event students leave the building they will be accompanied by administrators and our School Resource office and encouraged to gather by the front flagpole. Security and administrators will remain with the students outside during any planned protest events and after thirty minutes the students will be encouraged to return to class if they are still outside.
Harrison Morton students who wish to participate in the walkout will be encouraged to go to the auditorium where they can participate in relevant, student-led conversations with each other pertinent to the walkout. Staff will be in the auditorium to monitor and support students.
Raub Middle School students who leave the classroom on Friday, April 20th, will be directed to the gym. They will sit in silence for remembrance and protest of school violence. First floor exits will be monitored by administration and security to encourage students to remain in the building.
South Mountain Middle School has no plans for a walkout. Administration and security will be available to escort anyone who chooses to walk out to the flagpole for a few minutes, however, the school did not have any participants during the last scheduled walkout. Ninth grade students from Dieruff are visiting 8th-grade students tomorrow morning.
Trexler Middle School students and staff will be encouraged to wear orange. Orange is a bold invigorating color suggesting strength, endurance, and success. It represents enthusiasm, encouragement, and determination. Students may wear their favorite school appropriate orange shirt/sweater. Homeroom teachers will be provided with enough orange strips of paper for each student to write an “act of kindness” on during homeroom on Friday. These strips will be collected to make one continuous “acts of kindness” chain to hang around the school.
In the event students are leaving the classroom/building on Friday, students at Trexler will be directed to the cafeteria. If students congregate on building property, staff will demonstrate supported and maintain their safety.
Though the district will not interfere, students are aware that they will be marked tardy or absent per the district attendance policy and Code of Conduct if they choose to leave the school building without approval.
The Allentown School District continually challenges our students to find ways, in addition, to protest to engage in the community and find positive solutions to prevent gun violence. We commend our students, administrators, and school community members who each day demonstrate a true commitment to excellence in support of national causes. The District continues to encourage positive community building approaches to giving students a powerful voice as a means of bringing about impactful change.