Students who require any medication during the school day (both prescribed and over-the-counter medications) must have an authorization for medication form, filled out in its entirety, and signed by both the prescribing physician and parent/guardian. This form needs to be completed yearly and must be dated 7/1 or after to be valid for the current school year.
Link to medication authorization form in English and Spanish:
Students who are permitted to self-carry medications (inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors) must have an additional self-carry authorization form completed yearly. This form must be dated 7/1 or after to be valid for the current school year.
Link to self-carry form in English:
Link to self-carry form in Spanish:
All medications must be brought into school by a parent/guardian in the original container. The label on the medication container must match the authorization form exactly. Students are not permitted to transport medications to and from school (exception: inhalers and epi-pens with valid self-carry orders). Students that carry medication on them without medical orders are in violation of school policy and may be subject to discipline.
The school district doctor has signed standing orders for some medications should the need arise during the school day. This form needs to be signed by a parent/guardian, each school year, for the student to be able to receive these medications.
Link to Elementary school (grades K-5) standing medication parental consent form English/Spanish:
Link to Secondary school (grades 6-12)standing medication parental consent form English/Spanish: