AllentownSchool District

COVID-19 Information

The Lehigh County COVID community level is currently at LOW.

Lehigh County COVID Levels

ASD will continue to monitor and review the latest guidance and recommendations from the CDC, PA DOH, The Allentown Health Bureau, St. Luke’s, and LVHN this school year. ASD will use the guidance along with the Lehigh County COVID Community Levels to determine appropriate prevention and mitigation strategies. 

The below highlights critical components and updates to the Health & Safety Plan for the 2022- 2023 school year. This plan is a fluid document and may be updated at any time. Many of the changes adopted in March 2022 will remain in effect and are noted below. The most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 will always be posted here.

> Optional masking was approved on March 3, 2022. Masks will continue to be optional as we start the school year. 

> Asymptomatic individuals who are COVID positive and able to return following a five-day quarantine are required to mask for an additional 5 days. (Approved March 3, 2022) 
> ASD will continue to offer free masks to those who choose to mask. 

COVID Reporting 
>Individuals who are COVID positive are required to continue to report positive results to their school nurse or supervisor. 

> We will discontinue the use of the ASD COVID Dashboard to report positive cases.

>COVID-positive individuals must quarantine for 5 days and may return if asymptomatic on day 6 and continue to mask through day 10. (Approved March 3, 2022) 

Contact Tracing 

> ASD is no longer contact tracing. (Approved March 3, 2022) 

Social Distancing
> ASD discontinued social distancing guidelines including breakfast, lunch, and classroom thresholds. (Approved March 3, 2022) 

> A list of free COVID testing sites throughout the Allentown city limits is available in the health room in each building and on the ASD website:   Additionally, sites that offer testing to uninsured and underinsured will be included. 
> Information on how to obtain free testing kits will be shared with staff and families when available. Check to see if you are eligible for free test kits here:

Vaccination Clinics 
>The Allentown School District will continue to partner with The Allentown Health Bureau and our local health partners to provide COVID - 19 vaccinations to staff, students, and the community in addition to providing student vaccination clinics for routine vaccinations
> Vaccination Clinic Information (updated as clinics are scheduled)  

Meal Service 
> The District will continue to operate its school breakfast and lunch program, serving all students who attend school for in-person instruction. Additionally, those students who attend school virtually will have the option to schedule a daily period to eat lunch in the school cafeteria.