Thomas Smith, Director
ASD Facilities Services
1301 Sumner Avenue
Allentown, PA 18102
Facility Services: 484-765-4980
[email protected]
The Department of Facilities Services is responsible for the planning, development and maintenance of Allentown School District’s 25 buildings and their grounds, located across the 17 square miles that encompass the City of Allentown and serving the city’s student population of almost 18,000 students and a faculty and staff team of approximately 2,650 employees. Ensuring the upkeep and renovation of current buildings is the day-to-day priority and that includes the clearing of snow in all parking lots and sidewalks. We are also charged with providing leadership oversight of new construction projects.
Allentown education buildings must accommodate the needs of the district’s students and personnel in terms of space, equipment and function. In addition to meeting the requirements of state, county and city building codes and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the district’s facilities seek Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification when possible to enhance energy-conservation and cost-efficiencies.
In order to meet the changing needs of our students, the facilities department reassesses and updates current buildings and grounds as necessary, demolishes old buildings that are obsolete and no longer capable of serving the district to make way for new construction and to transform facilities when they are given a new use. The district’s 23 schools range in date of construction from 1879 to 2010, and it is our task to keep them all equally efficient and able to provide an optimal environment for learning and achievement.
ASD Facilities Services takes its direction from the Allentown School District Board of Directors, based on recommendations made to them by the ASD Superintendent’s Office. We rely on tax revenues, grants and monies provided by federal and state funding in order to tackle projects both large, such as constructing new buildings, and small, such as installing new roofing and boilers or other HVAC equipment and keeping halls, auditoriums, gymnasiums and classrooms well lit, clean, fresh and attractive.